notiziario sulla bambina volante.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

in the sun

N turns 17 months next week. Her vocabulary consists of: ball, babbo, mamma, shoe, bye bye, hi, no, "roar" (in response to "what does this lion say"), bow (for dog), baby, no, ca (for cane), uh-oh, dog, and no. She understands so much more. It's nuts!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the keys

Noemi luuuuvs keys. She gets really upset when they are taken away from her. Who knows what the attraction is, but they do give her hours of enjoyment.


I've been taking a photography class and of course have exploited N as my subject. Here she snoozes with her beloved thumb. It's like her blankey but attached to her hand...ew.