Bharti Temkin

Ph.D., Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University


“Haptic Texture Generation – A Heuristic Method For Virtual Body Structures”


We address the question developing a library of three-dimensional Haptic Anatomical Structures (3D-HAS) by integration of haptics with Virtual Body Structures (VBS). Such a library would provide a stepping-stone to integrate haptics for future surgical training simulations. A number of difficulties must be overcome in order to create a realistic sense of touch. One of the problems is that the data of in-vivo tissue compliance properties needed to generate credible output forces does not exist. Once consistent understandable data exists, we will still be faced with the issue of developing force feedback models that can be applied in surgical simulations. Without this “haptic texture”, the sense of touch component will remains relatively primitive and unrealistic. In this presentation, we describe a system that generates Virtual Body Structures using Visible Human segmented data and adds haptic texture, thus creating 3D-Haptic Anatomical Structures. The system integrates an algorithm for the generation of VBS with a Graphics-to-Haptic (G2H) tool that makes arbitrary 3D objects haptic without any additional programming. A method of creating, modifying, and applying heuristic texture data will also be described. The system makes it possible, for an expert in the field of anatomy or surgery, to generate a haptic texture appropriate to a given anatomical structure. Once generated, the haptic texture can be saved as a part of a heuristic database of tissue properties. The goal of this work is to create a library of 3D structures with haptic textures that can be used as canonical models for the development of surgical simulations.