Shrivastava Alok M.D. (1), Peabody James O. M.D., and Menon Mani M.D.

(1) M.D., M.Ch.(Urology), Laparoscopic and Robotic Urology Fellow, Vattikuti Institute of Urology, Henry Ford Health System,Detroit,MI,USA

Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: Special Considerations for Surgical Simulation”


Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy(Lap RP) is a recent addition to armamentarium  of urologists for surgical cure of Prostate cancer. We have inducted the da VinciTM Robot into our Lap RP program to perform Robotic Assisted Lap RP.

The prostates' anatomic milieu poses special challenges and makes Lap RP an extremely difficult procedure to learn and teach. It is the same anatomy of a prostate which gives us  unique advantages. This along with taking advantage of the 'strengths and weaknesses' of the da VinciTM System will make our dream of a surgical simulator possible with today's mainstream technology.

We propose a cost effective simulator, based on scene, hyperlink and animated event sequence model.